Dendromass4Europe aims at establishing 2.500 ha of sustainably operated Short Rotation Coppice with poplars on marginal, currently unused or underutilized land. These new agricultural cropping systems do not only offer diversification and increase of revenues to a large number of farmers and rural landowners. These poplar plantations also lead to a remediation of marginals lands. In addition, the long-term cooperation between plantation operators and landowners ensures a higher economic security and thus fosters the reliability of operation of the agricultural sector.

The various activities of the D4EU project consortium also aim to generate profit for the rural economy on a regional scale through value adding processes and marketing. In combination, these measures will allow access for 4 innovative bio-based materials to specific consumer markets.
As a wood-based material, a functionally adapted lightweight board for furniture production will be produced. The new structure gives more stability to the boards, which will be lighter and consume fewer resources.
Poplar bark, which currently serves primarily as a source for energy, will be used for three bark-based materials. On the one hand, the bark will be processed into eco-fungicidal moulded fibre parts. These fibre parts can replace plastics in packaging and can also be re-used without any problems.
On the other hand, bark enriched wood-plastic composite granulates and bark enriched wood-plastic composite profiles are planned. The latter can be used for fencing panels, decking or siding. Since it is made of both plastic and wood, it has both positive qualities: durable and posh.